Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Its weed season

Broadleaf Weeds

As you venture onto the course this week you will notice dandelions and clover are out in full force.  Under normal conditions we would have already sprayed; however, the cold and wet weather has pushed back our spraying of broadleaf weeds.  Spraying broadleaf weeds in spring is an exact science. We use this website to figure out what time is best for spraying weeds.  If we spray too early we miss a lot of broadleafs and we would have to reapply herbicide later on which would cost more money.

As you can see, by looking at the website, this next week is going to be prime time for spraying broadleaf weeds.  I anticipate with the nice weather ahead we will be able to spray the entire course in order to kill off what weeds are there presently.  Along with that, we will be spraying the natural areas of the golf course for broadleaf and grassy weeds.  Even though some of the areas on the golf course have a few weeds, we have gotten less and less as the years go by.

Clubhouse Landscape Project

Although we just started the clubhouse landscape project Sunday night, we have gotten a lot of work done already.  Monday's rain did not help; yet we still hope to complete the project within the next week.

We will keep you updated on the project and more in the coming days.  Come out and enjoy the nice weather ahead!