Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Irrigation or Irritation??

Since the beginning of May, we have received only 0.5" of rain here at Ridgeway – quite a change from the last two seasons.

In times like this, we use our irrigation system more regularly than normal.  Because of excess rainfall the last two seasons, there hasn’t been a need to run our irrigation system.  You may have noticed that we are in the process of repairing several irrigation issues on the course.  We are concentrating most of our efforts on installation of new sprinkler heads with proper yardage plates. 

You may see some small areas of exposed turf during replacement of the faulty sprinklers.  Also, if you play early in the morning (before 8 AM), you may see some sprinklers running to provide adequate water to areas that have been deficient in irrigation.  Your patience is appreciated while we are working on these issues.

One final note, areas that may appear a bit off color during these dry conditions just fine – they will green up quickly when we receive normal rainfalls. We will continue to water newly sodded areas to ensure that they remain healthy.  In the meantime, enjoy a little extra roll on your drives!