This past week we have been working on draining the approach on hole #18. If you remember, #18 approach is habitually wet from runoff in the parking lot area. We had drainage in #18 approach but because of the large volume of water we had to add some more to help get it from ponding.
We added several new tiles lines and manipulated the pitch so that we could achieve more surface drainage helping to move water quicker. Also we added a large holding area just off of the parking lot so that water does not run across the fairway and back up the tile that is currently in #18 approach.
On August 20th and 21st we received several inches of rain. Although there was some water in the approach it was gone within an hour after the rain had stopped. In the past standing water would have been present for days not hours.
We are looking to do small drainage projects like this in the upcoming weeks. Next on our list is #16 fairway, which we hope to start sometime in the near future. The golf course continues to be in good shape so come on out and enjoy the last couple months of the golf season.