Friday, October 17, 2014

Sod Nursery and Fall Work

Sod Nursery

Sod Nursery
The sod nursery down by the maintenance facility is growing in nicely. We have very good to excellent coverage throughout the greens portion of the nursery.  We have been mowing it about twice a week and have upped our fertility to aid in getting greater turf density.
The outer portion of the nursery was disturbed with construction of the new storm drainage pond and driveway.   Because it is late in the season we will not have an opportunity to seed or work on this area until next spring.  The area that is not yet seeded is designated for Kentucky bluegrass sod for roughs.  

Fall Work
Now that leaves are starting to fall we have a lot of work to keep the course clean.  Over the next several weeks our blowers and rough mowers will be out in full force.  Our process consists of blowing leaving into rows and mulching them with our rough mowers.  Expect more noise than usual as we try to keep the course as clean as possible.

Between mowing and keeping the course clean we are still planning on doing some more drainage work this fall. 

1.       #18 approach is completed,  look at the before and after pictures. Both pictures where taken after heavy rain events, the picture on the left was taken in 2010 and the picture on the right was taken earlier this week after almost 3" of rain. As you can see we have made a lot of progress!



2.    #16 fairway: In the next week we plan on draining the low area in the fairway about 100 yards from the green.

3.       #2 smile drain:  Install smile drain in the collar near #2 green to help get water off some poorly draining areas.  Because of the close proximity to the green we will start this work once the course closes for the season.

4.       #14 ladies tee: Install drainage near the ladies.

5.       #14 fairway: Install drainage in the rough and fairway approximately 150-200 yards from the green.
At some point in the near future we are going to have the main drainage artery that goes from #12 fairway to #16 tee cleaned out.  While the storm drainage pond was being installed we noticed that the 12” main drainage tile was partially clogged.  Speedy Clean is scheduled to come out and clean this out which will have a positive effect on storm water removal in the future.

November is a busy month between the shorter days and preparing the course for closing.  Although it’s been colder lately the golf course is still in good shape and the greens playing very nicely for this time of year.  We hope to see you out on the course in the near future!